Hello and thank you for visiting my website!
I am an applied environmental economist, currently based at the Grantham Research Institute at LSE. My research interests lie at the intersection of environmental economics with international trade, labour economics, and food consumption.
The aim of my research is to provide robust, data-driven insights that can contribute to delivering an effective and fair low-carbon transition.
PhD in Environmental Economics, 2022
London School of Economics
MSc in Economics, 2015
University of Warwick
Honours Bachelor of Arts, 2013
University of Ottawa
The impact of weather shocks on exports
[Available here] [Ergs and Equilbrium Podcast Episode]
Does trade openness reduce the impact of temperature shocks on productivity? An empirical assessment
Green innovation in food products, with Marion Dumas
Supporting solar: The causal impact of subsidies on domestic photovoltaic installations, with Aurélien Saussay and Misato Sato
Green jobs and spatial inequality, with Aurélien Saussay and Misato Sato
Skills and wage gaps in the low-carbon transition: comparing job vacancy data from the US and UK (2023). Grantham Research Institute Policy Report, with Misato Sato, Aurélien Saussay, Francesco Vona, Leo Mercer, and Layla O’Kane.
[Media coverage: The Guardian; The Financial Times.]